This page should have answers to the most commonly asked questions we receive. If you have a question that you do not see an answer to, please email rose@rosesandy.com and we can answer it!
After buying an ebook, how can I access it and transfer it to my preferred device?
Upon purchasing an ebook, an email containing a download link will be sent to you from help@bookfunnel.com, which allows you to download the ebook or send it directly to your device of choice. If you don't receive the email within 10 minutes of your purchase, please check your Spam folder.
Your ebooks can also be located in your BookFunnel library at https://My.BookFunnel.com. Simply log in using the email address associated with your book purchases/downloads.
For assistance in transferring the ebook to your device, feel free to contact help@bookfunnel.com or visit https://getbookfunnel.com/.
How can I listen to an audiobook I've purchased, and transfer it to my preferred device?
After buying an audiobook, you will receive an email from help@bookfunnel.com containing a download link and instructions for downloading and listening using their app or another device. If you haven't received the email within 10 minutes of making the purchase, please check your Spam folder.
Your audiobooks can be accessed in your BookFunnel library at https://My.BookFunnel.com. Simply sign in to BookFunnel using the email address you used for purchasing/downloading your books.
For assistance in getting the audiobook to your device, feel free to contact help@bookfunnel.com or visit https://getbookfunnel.com/.
How long does it take for a paperback to be delivered?
Delivery times for paperbacks depend on your location and the shipping option selected during checkout. Unfortunately, next-day shipping is not available.
The independent printer is based in the UK, and each book is printed and shipped to you individually (although they are exploring printing options in the US, Australia, and other countries).
Outside the UK, it may take 10-15 business days for your book to arrive. Your patience is greatly appreciated!
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